INSTALATION | 12' | 9' | 12'

In 2021 contemporary music ensemble “Synaesthesis” released their first vinyl “flaneur”, and asked me to create a visual part for it to be presented as an audiovisual installation. From the very beginning it was a very personal project because I was capturing my hometown through the lens of dérive and psychogeography. This pseudo-science keeps coming back in my work, allowing an alternative look at the urban landscape, seeking real or imagined links between people, objects, and textures. 

The compositions of Julius Aglinskas, Dominykas Digimas, and Ramūnas Motiekaitis lead me through the streets of Vilnius. Its flow dictated the intuitive associations, reflections inverting perspective, and the city observed through the eyes of flaneur.

This project took a form of an audiovisual installation at SALVE festival in Vilnius (September 2021)


tylūs atspindžiai (silent reflections)

1997 regi mane (1997 sees me)